Washing machine countdown timer using Arduino.
Arduino washing machine code. 8 Responses to Arduino control system puts defunct washing machine back into operation MennoLabs Says. Excess 856 bytes of code dumped inside my ATmega8 for nothing. 60 rpm geared motor.
This particular project Ive been thinking a long time ago I want to write a code that has all the necessary choices so we can put another Arduino brain in any washing. The algorithm works as follows. Hi to all.
Wash button - This button turn on main wash motor on and off in 30 sec to emulate resiprocating motion. Supply AC power to motor and control direction 5V Adapter. Many of us facing the challenge of having the dryerwasher in different part of our building.
2 channel relay board. Set timer and start timer 5V Relay Modules. When comes to industrial application the unwanted junk of code will generate lot of issues.
You need to load the following code using the IDE software. Supply 12v to board. The schematic is provided in the file wash_machinesch.
Our washing machine has done well when i purchased it i opted for something that has a mechanical timerswitch given the maintenance requirements are a lot lower than a smart washing machine. Manipulate the existing washing machines control board using Arduino. L293D motor driver board.